Stories. Updates. Guides.
Here you can find all the 199 articles I wrote. You can read about web development, software engineering, and tech career in both English and Portuguese.
Featured Articles
The two types of quality
The Japanese define quality in two ways — atarimae hinshitsu and miryokuteki hinshitsu. Understanding the difference between them is the key to building products that users love.
8 min read
How is life post YC?
I compiled some of the learnings from my own experience and asked other Y Combinator friends from various batches, so you can get a feel of what happens after YC.
6 min read
All Articles
- Marathons and Startups
- The Heartbeat Framework
- Resend raises $18M Series A
- How is life post YC?
- Celebrating 10 years of Dracula
- Resend raises $3M
- Lessons learned from growing a 6,338 people waitlist in 7 weeks
- Why I spent $25,000 on a domain (or how to pick a startup name)
- I'm starting my own company
- What I learned at Berkeley's Executive Leadership Program
- The two types of quality
- How I built my personal website
- What makes a good changelog
- 5 lessons we learned adding dark mode to our platform
- Why I'm joining WorkOS
- I'm leaving my job after 9 years
- Why I'm starting a podcast
- Making a Physical Book
- 14 Best Free Fonts for Programming
- It’s OK to make money from your open source
- I just launched a book!
- Working Remotely
- I made $5,428.91 in 3 days with a side project
- Zip Code and Happiness
- Consistency is the key
- The technology stack I used to build my first mobile app
- Discontinuing WeDeploy
- LeCheese - The Beta Is Over
- Trying something new
- Goodbye DevSpace
- Maintenance Work
- Specialist or Generalist?
- Always Have Fun
- Small acts make great impacts
- What I've learned after giving 100 talks
- Apresentando WeDeploy
- Introducing WeDeploy
- CodeCopy, my new browser extension
- Open Source Lessons Learned
- Hiring someone who doesn't know how to code
- Retiring
- Liferay Hackday 2017
- My Top Apps for 2017
- The problems with GitHub's News Feed
- 2015: The year I moved to California
- O que você está esperando?
- What are you waiting for?
- Where we are and what’s to come
- How did Clipboard.js get 5000 stars in a few days?
- How talks affect an open source project?
- Liferay Front End Meetup
- Discoverability for Web Components
- Why Web Components?
- JavaScript Event Handlers
- Liferay Hackday
- </2014>
- Ser popular é uma merda.
- Segredos do Chrome DevTools
- Why you should stop asking & answering technical questions via social networks
- What I learned in 2 years at Liferay
- A future called Web Components
- Making a Difference Online and Offline
- Web Components: a chance to create the future
- Why we created
- Empty Cup, New Tea
- O que eu espero para 2014
- O primeiro Google Developers Expert do Brasil
- Chrome Dev Summit 2013
- Um futuro chamado Web Components
- HTML5 APIs para Mobile
- jQuery Boilerplate at TreeHouse Show
- Tri afudê
- jQuery Boilerplate - Redesign
- Paredão Tecnológico
- Curso prático de HTML5 no Rio e São Paulo
- Desabilitar autocorreção no ZSH
- Por que usar o Node GH?
- A performance dos principais sites do governo brasileiro
- Entrevista no OlhóSEO
- Interview with Christian Heilmann
- Bate-papo com Michael Lancaster
- Goodbye, Zen Coding. Hello, Emmet!
- Why did I create Browser Diet?
- The importance of CDN
- Chromebook: First Impressions
- Layouts Responsivos na Campus Party 2013
- I'm the #50 most active contributor on Github, so what?
- Stats 2011-2012
- My way
- Recado para o FrontInterior
- Apresentando o Conf Boilerplate
- Bye Zen Coding, Bem-vindo Emmet!
- Entrevista - A nova experiência do HTML5
- Super Trunfo - Um case de Dados Abertos
- Tunando o Developer Tools do Google Chrome
- O futuro da web com HTML5 - Revista Wide
- O mês que eu palestrei no maior evento de JavaScript do universo - BrazilJS
- BrazilJS Weekly
- JavaScript the Right Way
- A vida além do jQuery - Tech Talk
- Relato MozReps Speaker's Training + QCon
- Relato 13º FISL
- Conheça de verdade o Boot2Gecko (ou FirefoxOS)
- Don't Feed the Trolls
- Introducing BrazilJS Foundation
- Como fizemos o oldRadio?
- Compass Sprite Generator
- Front-end Made in Brazil
- Tudo novo, de novo
- Princípios para escrever CSS de forma consistente
- Meu ambiente de trabalho em 7 itens
- JSConf Argentina - Um relato da minha primeira palestra fora do Brasil
- Entrevista - Conheça o jQuery Boilerplate
- Tudo que você gostaria de saber sobre plugins jQuery e ninguém teve paciência de explicar
- Automatizando tarefas JS com Grunt
- Sublime Text 2 – Dicas para Desenvolvimento Front-end
- Então é natal e ano novo também...
- Especial do Campeão -
- ...or the history of my friend Clark Kent
- Obtendo mais performance com Smaller e ImageOptim
- flashplayer
- Como usar HTML5 sem uma máquina do tempo
- Design na web com CSS3
- Sorteio de credenciais para o PHP'n Rio
- Era uma vez uma referência chamada Dive into HTML5...
- Salve a web, por favor
- Senhoras e senhores, apresento-lhes Wormz
- HTML5 - Async Scripts
- Nem tudo que parece igual é realmente igual...
- Relato - Geeks on Beer e Rio Agile
- HTML5 - Canvas + Three.js
- Entendendo CoffeeScript
- Conversores de Flash em HTML5 e a disputa entre Google e Adobe
- Relato - Front in Rio 2011
- Relato - III FSLDC
- HTML5 - Referências Literárias
- Lições aprendidas com o mundo Python
- Relato #13elw #edted ...e mais!
- O que o Angry Birds tem a ver com o Flash?
- CSS !important - O melhor amigo do desenvolvedor hard-coded
- Medindo o tempo de carregamento com o novo Google Analytics
- Social Media APIs - Parte II
- Relato - V OpenSpace Rio
- humans txt - Because we are people, not machines
- HTML5 - Local Storage
- Social Media APIs - Parte I
- XML pra quê? Conheça o JSON e o YAML
- Hello world