
Introducing BrazilJS Foundation


Portuguese release here.

Today the news comes straight from Porto Alegre!

At this moment, I’m at the 13th FISL (Free Software Internacional Forum). For those who doesn’t know, this is one of the most relevant events of the open source community in Latin America. The coolest things here is that it doesn’t matter which technology do you deal with, the idea is just gather people together.

This is the first time I’m here, so my friends told me that they have a tradition in FISL and they called it as “islands” (or “villages”). These islands are destinated spaces for the different development communities. So, in a quick walk here you can find islands of PHP, Linux, etc.

For the first time in the history of this event we have a JavaScript island, thanks to the efforts of Jaydson and Felipe.

BrazilJS space on FISL

And because of that we decided advance the launch of this project. We are working in so many things (that for now are secret :P) to enhance the JavaScript community in Brazil.

2012 has been a great year to JavaScript in Brazil. In fact, this programming language is been rising a lot in recent years, all over the world.

In Brazil, the scenario began to change after the BrazilJS’s conference in 2011.

This event was the start for regional groups to emerge. RioJS and PernambucoJS were firstly created, that soon encouraged the creation of SampaJS, BeagaJS, RSJS and so on.

The trend of emerging new groups and communities was expected, but this requires some special attention, a second level of organization. Having information and people engaged was a great first step, but now we have to organize all of that, make sure the information is reliable and keep people motivated. For this, we are working hard to create, motivate and encourage the evolution of JavaScript in Brazil.

We are now beginning another pioneering initiative and it’s called BrazilJS Foundation, our new effort in this direction and we have full confidence that will provide excellent results for the JavaScript it self, but also for communities, developers, institutions and companies.

Our mission with this project is only one: bring knowledge and help people.

This is just a brief welcome. We have a ton of ideas in our heads and people willing to make them reality. Do you want to come with us?