
CodeCopy, my new browser extension


When I created clipboard.js I just wanted an easy way to add copy to clipboard buttons on my sites. I decided to make it open source and suddenly, thousands of people adopted worldwide.

Although I'm super happy with the result of that project, there are still big sites that I don't have control over which I would love to have that same functionality.

Sometimes I'm scanning a GitHub README and I just want to copy a "npm install something". Or maybe I'm trying to answer a StackOverflow question and I need to copy and debug locally a piece of code that someone shared. No matter what it is, we all have those situations where we need to copy some code from somewhere.

With that in mind, I decided to create a browser extension that adds a copy to clipboard button on every code snippet. It's very simple, yet super useful.

Install now

Supported sites

At the moment I write this post, it works with GitHub, MDN, Gist, StackOverflow, StackExchange, npm, and even Medium.

And if you want to add a new site, feel free to recommend it at github.com/zenorocha/codecopy :)


In case you're curious, here's how it looks.

And that's all

I hope this small little project makes your life easier!