
Making a Difference Online and Offline


Couple months ago Cleydyr and I were invited to be part of Liferay's EVP (Employee Volunteer Program) committee in Latin America.

We couldn't say no to this amazing program and we're now very happy to announce our first initiative.

It all started on a regular Monday (05/26) at 10:30am when Cleydyr showed me the website of the Farol52 ONG and we noticed this campaign called "1.000 kg of food in 10 days" to help poor families in the state of Pernambuco. Every year this region of Brazil suffers a lot because of long periods without any rain.

We knew that gathering this huge ammount of food in few days was a really hard challenge so we decided to help. At 12pm we got everybody together to explain the campaign. If each person could help with some little ammount of money through the EVP program we could still buy lots of food.

Everybody loved the idea and in less than 2 hours we had already collected R$ 3.160,00 ($1414.18). But we still needed to move fast in order to meet the deadline.

In the afternoon, we ordered 100 baskets of food, 7 kg (15 pounds) each. And in the following day (05/27), more than 700 kg (1543 pounds) of food were delivered to the Liferay Recife office.

Food packages

On Friday (05/ 29), a day before the collection ended, our amazing staff helped with transportation to the collection point.

Collecting food

And we also managed to find some time to record, edit, and publish a video on Youtube to tell a little bit more about this initiative and to invite other companies to do the same kind of donation.

Youtube video

On Saturday (05/30), the campaign has ended with 2392 kg (5273 pounds) of food and R$ 2.755,92 ($1233.35) in cash donations collected. About 30% of all food collected thanks to Liferay employees.

Showing Liferay shirt

We're proud to work in a company like Liferay. A company that cares about the community and gives the opportunity for its employees to make a difference in other people's lifes.

Thanks everybody who participated in this campaign :)